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Full variety of options

Slovak Faculties and Universities offer plenty of study programmes for international students: they can choose between chemistry, mathematics, IT, medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and many others. Programmes are in English, German, French and Hungarian.


International environment

Slovak Universities and faculties responded to trends in the world and have decided to offer study places also for international students. Nowadays, you can meet students from more than 100 countries in Slovakia.


Internationally recognized degree

Degree from Slovakia is internationally recognised in European Union and in most countries of the world. Great news is, that education at all levels is cheaper than in western countries.

Pavol Jozef Šafárik University - Faculty of Medicine


Perspective students may apply for three types of higher education instutitions: public school of higher education, state institution of higher institution and private institutions. They usually consists of faculties and departments, research centers and administrative departments. Education institutions are opened to students from all over the world.

Study programmes in foreign languages

When picking up the right programme, language of studying should be also taken into consideration. English is a must today – and living in international environment, where English is only way to communicate with your schoolmates is the best way to improve it. Moreover, students have option to study also in German, French or even Hungarian in Slovakia.


Where can I study?

This is the question, which is asked the most often by students. There are plenty of educational institutions, which offer higher education at Bachelor, Master´s or Doctoral degree. Read more about Slovak Universities in order to find out, where you can apply to.

What can I study?

Students may apply to either study programme in Slovak language (in which good command of Slovak language is required) or in foreign language (English, German, French or even Hungarian). Offer of study programmes for international students is really rich: applicants have plenty of options such as studying civil engeneering, architecture, international management or also pharmacy, medicine, physics, mathematics and many others. Chech preview of study programmes here.

Happy guy

EU / EEA / Swiss nationals

If you are a student from European Union, European Economic Area or from Switzerland, the process is easy. Students do not need any visas or other legal documents to enter in Slovakia. Their only obligation is to register at foreign police in Slovakia after 3 months (90 days) and pay registration fee of 4.50€.

National of third countries

Process is a little bit more complicated for nationals of third countries. If their contry is on list, for which visas are required, then they do need to apply for short- or long-term visa at Slovak embassy/Consulate. Furthermore, after coming to Slovakia, they need to obtain temporary residence permit to legalise their staying in Slovakia.


Country in the heart of Europe

Slovakia is country in the heart of Europe. Some people are arguing, that geographically center of Europe might be somewhere else, but take a close look to map – Slovakia is exactly between northern and southern countries as well as western and eastern countries. It has only 5.4 millions of inhabitants, but nature is extremely diversified – in one day, you can go from lowlands to High Tatras.

Leisure time

There are plenty of leisure time activities, that can be exercised in free time of students. Since Slovakia has lowlands as well as mountains, one can enjoy swimming, footbal, hiking, skiing, tennis, horse riding – and many more! Moreover, there is plenty of cultural event taking place in streets every evening.

Admission process

Admission process is different for every educational institution in Slovakia. There might be entrance examination, interview or motivation letter that need to be submitted for various types of institutions.

Furthermore, it is really important to start planning with an advance – especially students from third countries need to get their visas before arival to Slovakia.

Applicants may apply to Universities in two ways: electronically or by sending the filled-in paper application. Most usually, following documents are necessary when applying to University: School leaving diploma, Transcript of records, Copy of passport or ID, Curicculum Vitae and proof of payment for entrance examination.


Welcome at website of StudyinSlovakia.sk – agency for international students, who consider studying at university in Slovakia. This portal contains important information not only about universities, faculties or study programmes, but also about important aspects of studying in Slovakia, such as organisation of study, recognition of previous courses or admission process.

The most important information about educational institutions in Slovakia is, that they run under ECTS – European Credit Transfer System, which was introduced back in 2002 and equals study attainment reached in different coutries within Europe. There are credits awarded for passing credit test, exams or colloquium.  Students need to obtain 30 credits for one semester or 60 credits for study year (this information may be different for some faculties). ECTS grading scale is following: the best mark is A (which is equivalent to 1), the worst is F or FX (which means failure – student must repeat examination). Lowest possible mark for passing given exam is E (equivalent to 3 – satisfactory). Marks are quite important – the better your index looks like, the higher chance you have for stipendium.

There are three levels of higher education in Slovakia: first level is Bachelor, second level is Masters and third level is Doctoral study programme (or PhD). Bachelor ends with degree “Bakalár” (abbreviation Bc.), Masters programmes end with “Magister” (abbr.  Mgr.), “Inžinier” (abbr.  Ing.), “doktor medicíny” (abbr. MUDr.), “doktor stomatológie” (abbr. MDDr.) and “doktor veterinárnej medicíny” (abbr. MVDr.). Finally, doctoral level ends with degrees of “philosophiae doctor” (abbr. “PhD.”) or “artis doctor” (abbr. “ArtD.”) which is offered in field of art. All study programmes must be accredited by the Ministry of Education, Science, Reseach and Sport of Slovak Republic. There are various tuition fees related to study in foreign language (alternatively students may apply to study in Slovak language, but good command of Slovak language is then required, since entrance examination and also classes are held in Slovak). Fees pre study programmes in foreign language vary from 750€ to 11.000€ per study year. They are considerable lower than in other countries, which is the main reason, why there are many students from all over the world studying in Slovakia.

Admission process at given study programme is different for every faculty or university. There are various types of admission process: for example, some faculties require students to take mutiple choice test, interview or motivation speech. Faculties usually limit study places, so it may be better to apply to more faculties and increase chances of being admitted. Generally speaking, the best advice is to apply to University as soon as possible – getting paperwork done may take a lot of time.

Faculty of medicine greatly superseded my expectations! Moreover I found that I’ve made more Slovak friends in the year that I’ve been in Kosice than the 3 I spent in Czech.

Tom, Great Britain, General Medicine

Kosice is an amazing place for students in my opinion, it is a calm city where you can find everything you need and still have a quite, calm atmosphere to study. I would not change it for any other city when deciding to study medicine today!

Victor, Israel, General Medicine

Košice is great city for living. I am pleased with city and people – there are really nice and helpful. I also like language which is really euphonius. What I really appreciate are our teachers – they helped me a lot since I started to study in Košice!

Abdulla, Iraq, General Medicine