From the academic year 2020/2021 rules for payment of rent at dormitories of TUKE are the following:
- rent may be paid quarterly. Monthly payments are possible only after written consent from the head of dormitories, Mr. Dufala.
- there is a reservation fee of 100€ needed to be paid by end of July to confirm your room reservation for next academic year. Without reservation payment, it is not possible to get room from september.
- Rent for September to November is due before signing dorm contract.
Rent for December to February is due by 30.11.
Rent for March to May is due by 28.2.
Rent for May is due by 30.5. - There is penalty of 0,50€ per day of delay. Delay occurs also in case if you do not mention your variable symbol (contract number)
- cancellation fee is 30€ per month – in case you will cancel before June
Bank details
Bank account number: SK97 8180 0000 0070 0008 4912
Bank name: Statna pokladnica
Bank address: Radlinskeho 6929/32, 811 07 Bratislava, Slovakia
Variable symbol = number of your contract –
Specific symbol: see below
There are following dormitories for students of the Technical University in Kosice:
Boženy Němcovej 1, Košice – specific symbol: 1511
Ferka Urbánka 2, Košice – specific symbol: 1512
Jedlíková 5, Košice – specific symbol: 1513
Jedlíková 9, Košice – specific symbol: 1515
Rampová 7, Košice – specific symbol: 1519
Budovateľská 13, Prešov (for students of Faculty of manufacturing technologies): specific symbol: 1517
Budovateľská 31, Prešov (for students of Faculty of manufacturing technologies): specific symbol: 1517
Bank account number: SK97 8180 0000 0070 0008 4912
Variable symbol: number of contract
message for the recipient: name of student
Rent is due up to 15th day of the month (money must be credited by 15th, so its not sufficient if money are sent on 15th). A student needs to pay for full quartal (=3 months). There is a penalty of 50 cents per each day of delay.
Cancellation fee bank account
if you want to leave the dormitory before June, you need to transfer 30€ to this bank account: SK25 8180 0000 0070 0008 4947)
PC Club, gym and washing machines
Internet club: SK40 0900 0000 0050 2329 0365
Specific symbol: 9920
Variable symbol: to be found at