The Faculty of the business economy is part of Economic university Bratislava (EUBA) and the only faculty is the seat outside of Bratislava. It was established in 1992 and providing first-class education for for future managers, company representatives, auditors or economists at all 3 levels (Bachelor, Master and PhD. level). Since 2020, the Faculty offers also program in English language for Master students – Corporate business and marketing.
International cooperation
The Faculty is involved in many international programs, including Erasmus program for international mobility of students and faculty staff. Currently, there are the following programs:
- Bavarian Academic Center for Central
- Eastern and Southeastern Europe (BAYHOST)
- Fulbright Scholarship Visegrad Scholarship Program
- French Government Scholarships
- Taiwan Scholarship a Huayu Enrichment Scholarship
- Internship at the OECD LEED Trento Centre and Venice Office
Faculy of business economy is playing important role also in international projects such as Horizont 2020, INTERREG IVC, Visegrad Fund and South East Europe.
Profile of the graduate – Corporate business and marketing
Graduates of the study program Corporate Business and Marketing in the field of study Economy and Management are qualified to carry out the profession according to the achieved degree: Ing. (marketing manager) – marketing manager, marketing analyst, purchasing manager, sales manager, product manager or specialist for sales, distribution and logistics, marketing communications, market research, business operations, as well as consumer policy can address complex marketing challenges requiring medium and long term decisions.
Graduates have knowledge about elements of marketing mix and methods of their effective synthesis, they are able to model virtual behaviour of consumer subjects and their interaction with marketing environment, they know methods of business systems management, they are ready to work in wide-spectrum business practice with knowledge of marketing philosophy and use of marketing tools. They are able to analyse and evaluate complex problems in the company regarding marketing management as well as problems of business systems. They are able to design and implement alternatives of diverse marketing mix concepts according to the latest knowledge of marketing theory and at the same time assess the interaction of market subjects with the complex marketing environment of the business entity. The knowledge gained in the field of application of modern marketing tools, creation of marketing concepts, functioning of business systems will enable graduates to successfully manage teams of employees, independently design projects and take responsibility for complex solutions of business and marketing activities in the enterprise. The professional profile corresponds to the experience gained from the application of a set of qualitative and quantitative methods in marketing, design of concepts for the attributes of modern marketing mix, formulation and verification of hypotheses from market data, experimental procedures in the evaluation of consumer and commercial market behaviour.