When speaking about institution for higher education in Slovakia, we refer to third-level education, scientific and art institution.
Higher institutions can be classified according to nature and scope of their activities.
- university type of higher education provides education at bachelor, master and doctoral level, where study programs of the second and third level dominates.
- non-university educational institutions provides mostly study programmes of the first level of higher education
There are 3 types of institutions when speaking in terms of founding and funding:
- Public higher education institutions which are established by law and mostly often financed by government. Public higher institutions are statutory and self-governing institutions.
- State higher education institutions are medical, polical and military schools. They are fully funded by the state budget and government by perspective ministry of government.
- Private higher education institutions which are approved and funded by non-governmental insitutions or founders. They mostly provide education in field of economics, business, management, law, public administration, regional development or social work. Every private higher educational institution require state approval from Government of the Slovak republic.
Higher education insitutions are usually organised into organisational units, such as faculties, institutes and department.
Here is complete list of Public higher education institutions in Slovakia:
- Academy of Arts in Banská Bystrica
- Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica
- University of Economics in Bratislava
- Slovak Technical University in Bratislava
- Academy of Fine Arts and Design in Bratislava
- J. Selye University in Komárno
- Pavel Jozef Šafárik University in Košice
- Technical University in Košice
- University of Veterinary Medicine in Košice
- Constantine Philosopher University in Nitra
- Slovak University of Agriculture in Nitra
- University of Prešov
- Catholic University in Ružomberok
- University of Saint Cyril and Methodius in Trnava
- Technical University in Trnava
- University of Žilina
State higher education institutions in Slovakia are following:
- Academy of Armed forces of M. R. Štefánik in Liptovský Mikuláš
- Police Academy in Bratislava
- Slovak Medical University in Bratislava
And finally, this is a list of private higher education institutions in Slovakia:
- Academy of media professional college media and marketing communication in Bratislava
- International School of Liberal Arts in Bratislava
- Technological institute in Dubnica nad Váhom
- Pan European University in Bratislava
- College Danubius
- School of Economics and Management in Public Administration in Bratislava
- College Goethe Uni Bratislava
- College of Management in Trenčín
- College of International Business ISM Slovakia in Prešov
- College of Health and Social Work of Saint Elizabeth in Bratislava